Boot Camps
My Thrive Fitness Boot Camp and Group Exercise Classes are an excellent way to get in great shape, stay motivated and connect with friends and neighbors. You will save money, burn calories, melt fat, build and tone muscle and have a blast doing it! One on one personal training is available to support clients if further instruction is needed.
All fitness levels are welcome as I provide both modifications and progressions for each exercise. Classes begin with short dynamic warm-ups and build into challenging yet fun routines that promise results. Each class incorporates a variety of fitness equipment and exercise styles to keep it fresh and exciting. Classes end with light stretching.
I guarantee you will find these classes addictive!
Classes are currently held at The Calvary Center and classes are outdoors when weather permits. All classes are 45-50 minutes long. Please sign up or contact me for more information.

In just 8 weeks, I have lost 7 lbs of body fat and gained 1 lb of lean muscle. I am proud of my accomplishments. I am beginning to love the body that reflects back at me in the mirror and once my own enemy, I am now proud to say that I have become my own best friend! 
